
Course Description

  • 1 Contact Hour
  • Asynchronous Online

Each week, TLETC will feature a new Magna recorded webinar.

  • View the video and interact on the discussion board beginning Monday. The discussion board will close on Sunday.

The goal of Weekly Words of Wisdom is for faculty to think critically about their teaching practices and engage in meaningful conversations with their peer faculty members in a way that works best for them.





Beyond Syllabus Policies: What Strategies Help Students Take Responsibility for Learning? 


In this 20-minute session, discover best practices to follow in the classroom that will encourage students to become better learners and not engage in unproductive behaviors. 


Choosing and Using Group Activities in the College Classroom 


Whether you teach in a traditional classroom or use flipped instruction strategies, group work can work for you. This seminar introduces you to three different group work methodologies and helps you identify which ones are appropriate for your course, your students, and your teaching style. 


Five Tips to Engage Students Outside of the Online Classroom 


What if you could reach beyond the confines of the online classroom to engage more fully with your students? In this seminar, explore specific activities and projects that can help your students develop a deep, rich connection to your coursework and subject matter outside of the online classroom. 


How Can Effective Note-taking Improve Online Student Learning? 


For online educators who want to assist students in effective note-taking in order to best succeed in learning content, "How Can Effective Note-taking Improve Online Student Learning?" is a Magna 20-Minute Mentor that gives practical ideas for educators to guide student note-taking specifically in the online classroom. 


How Can I Bring Pop to My Classroom with Pop Culture? 


Concrete strategies for applying pop culture to your course content. It will help you create a positive and unique classroom environment in which students are more connected to not only what they’re learning, but also to you. 


How Can I Communicate to Engage Students and Encourage Learning? 


Learn how to self-assess your communication skills in the instructional context to see what works best for you and your students—and pick up new techniques to broaden your abilities. 


How Can I Encourage Students to Stay Connected with Course Content After Class? 


Learn techniques you can use to deepen student understanding of course material—after class is over—that you presented in the classroom. These techniques include creating reflection videos and cartoon making, among others. 


How Can I Encourage the Growth Mindset with Three Simple Tips? 


Discover how to build a foundation for your students, helping them understand that there is such a thing as a growth mindset, and demonstrating for them what it is and how it works. 


How Can I Engage Generation C? 


In just 20 minutes, this presentation covers the nature of the Generation C phenomenon and how it relates to classroom management, formative assessment tools, and low- and no-cost techniques for enhancing student engagement. From cell phones to Post-Its, this presentation is full of practical tips on how to connect with students. 


How Can I Engage the Emotions of My Students to Maximize Learning? 


Recent research shows that emotions have a strong impact on cognition. Instead of excluding emotion from the classroom, instructors would do well to acknowledge and take advantage of the impact emotions have on students’ ability to learn new material. Drawing on a proposed addition of Emotional Presence to the Community of Inquiry Framework, examine why and how emotions can increase learning and retention. 


Spring Break


How Can I Gauge Online Learning Through Engaging Activities and Assignments? 


For remote and online teachers who want to assess learning to keep students on track "How Can I Gauge Online Learning Through Engaging Activities and Assignments?" is a Magna 20-Minute Mentor that provides many ideas specific to online and remote teaching for activities, assignments, and assessments that gauge learning. 


How Can I Get Students to Engage with Course Content Before Class? 


This program addresses how student misconceptions about course content can become barriers to learning and offers several techniques to help teachers facilitate the adoption of alternative viewpoints in their students. 


How Can I Guide Online Learning by Engaging with Students? 


Despite the efforts of excellent online instructors, there’s still a widespread misperception among faculty that online classes are like slow cookers: set and forget. However, neglecting interaction with online students eliminates the best chance of actually teaching them online, of guiding their learning, and helping them make new meaning. 


How Can I Promote Enrollment and Retention in Challenging Courses that Motivate Instead of Frustrate? 


When it comes to gatekeeper courses, there are often cases where expectations and reality don’t match, and fears, rumors, and beliefs about "hard" courses and programs discourage students and limit enrollment. By creating student buy-in and ensuring students understand that you have their best interests at heart, you can help increase their satisfaction with their college experience and influence them to move along in their academic program, resulting in positive outcomes for students, teachers, and institutions. 


How Can I Spark Conversation in the Classroom? 


Student engagement – especially in conversation and peer interaction – can be a big challenge for college educators. This program introduces four tried-and-true techniques to create a learning environment that is literally buzzing with student conversation. 


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